Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello Hello! Hello Hello! Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello hello! Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello! Are you there? Hello! Hello Hello! If so you're the absolute most <3 Hello! Hello! Hello!

Hello whoever you may be! I'm Mia! you can call me by any nickname or name you want! Unless offensive of course!!1

I like many things actually! making a small summary : Cheesecake, cherry flavoured stuff, cherries, red velvet deserts, cheese, the moon, and i love books! including Music, and my cats, and a bit of time by myself!1




He/them ;; they/them



Ii your curious on my username, It's Milk_collect3r, I do have Instagram, twitter, tiktok, etc!

Feel free to send me anything!1 :3

Finished! 05 02 2024

 Deer / Deers / lace / bows / flowers 

please do NOT send me uncomfy / rude stuff! it will be blocked / deleted ^_^

good question! honestly i like five guys (an actual place) but sadly they don't do fast food, got to visit instead of ordering sadly !